5 October, 2023

Oktober at La Cala

After the September we´ve had, one may wonder what´s to come next!

But do not despair, this certainly is not the end of golfing fun, as October is always the most popular month of the year here at La Cala. The weather is just perfect to play golf, with the temperature ranging from 23 to 28 degrees during the day, and the three courses are in perfect condition. Our Clubhouse staff have been training hard, and are ready and waiting to welcome you after your round with an impeccable service always done with a smile.

On top of this, our hotel lobby upgrade is finished, giving at a fresher look and allowing guests to feel more comfortable whilst enjoying a cocktail at the Panoramic Bar.
Therefore, there´s a lot to look forward to!
The Rugby World Cup is getting into the interesting stages, and here at La Cala we´ll continue to show all matches.

Then from the 12th to the 15th of October, we´ll be celebrating Oktoberfest in the Clubhouse area, with traditional outfits, large mugs of German beer, traditional Currywurst sausages and live music at the weekend. We´ll even have the canopy set up with the traditional Oktoberfest tables, and we are anticipating four days of great fun!

However, La Cala is not only about the golf. We also want people to make lasting memories with us, and what better place but to get married here. On the 29th of October, we will host a Weddings Open day to give couples looking to tie the knot a taste of what it would be like to get married at La Cala.