25 February, 2015

Young Mijeños can play golf for free

Thanks to the agreement signed between the Cala Resort and the town hall of Mijas, by which the residents of the municipality between 5 and 16 years can practise golf for free. This promotion that aims to bring golf as a sport to the youngest, will be in force every weekend of March, April and May at the facilities of the Cala golf Academy.

The signing of the agreement has been made between Santiago Martín, councillor of Tourism of the town Council of Mijas, and Pedro Batista, director of operations of the Cala Resort. “Mijas has always played a pioneering role in golf at the national level. We are facing a key economic engine, but also before a magnificent sport that we must promote among the Mijeños children that tomorrow will be surely, figures of the international Golf “Batista commented during the signing of the agreement.

For its part, the councillor for tourism said that “Mijas, with thirteen golf courses, is one of the two Spanish municipalities with more ground to practice this sport, and we want our children to learn and practice it for free. Thanks to the hotel La Cala Resort, which gives us completely free the facilities, we can create a quarry so that in the future the great golfers are also mijeños “.

The town council of Mijas will promote this activity that can be enjoyed in the Academy of the Cala Resort, by the schools and sports centres of the municipality. The youngsters will have a visit to the golf courses and the facilities, then they will be able to practice golf at the academy. Classes will take place in the Campos de La Cala Resort, every Saturday and Sunday in March, April and May. During the sessions, the children will be accompanied by expert instructors who will teach them the technique of golf.

The registrations will be carried out directly from the Department of Tourism in the phone 952 58 90 34 or by email turismo@mijas.es where you will be informed about the day and time that each student will be able to attend. Children under 13 years of age must be accompanied by their parents.