20 January, 2015

La Cala Resort hosts future golfing stars at the Graham Moore Spanish Open

La Cala Resort located in the heart of the Costa Del Sol, is delighted to be hosting the ninth Graham Moore Spanish Open on the 24th and 25th January, for the fifth year running. Exclusively for players born after 22nd July 1995, this competition is an important qualifier for the Veritas World Junior Championship 2015 and will be held on the resort’s challenging Campo Asia course.

The Graham Moore Open is a highly valued junior competition, organised by renowned professional golfer Graham Moore. The qualifier is designed to test the young participants with playing conditions that are an exact replica of main professional tournaments taking place on Campo Asia, the oldest of La Cala’s three courses and the one most respected by professionals.

The competition demands skill and strategy from participant’s who play from tee locations related to their ages, with gross – only scores counting towards the competition results and no handicap involvement at all, creating a realistic playing location for future champions.

Winners from the tournament this weekend get a place at the Veritas Junior Championship, an International Junior Golf Festival based in Southern California that aims to expand junior golf through competition.