21 January, 2019

La Cala Resort Gives Cudeca an Assistance Vehicle Sponsored by the Resort and the Members of the Golf Club

Photo: In the center, the founder of Cudeca, Joan Hunt. Next to Hunt is the director of La Cala Resort, Sean Corte-Real, accompanied by members of Cudeca and La Cala Resort.

La Cala Resort presented the Cudeca Foundation (Cancer Care) with a car today to use for assisting patients at their homes. The car, a Volkswagen Polo, was sponsored by the hotel complex and the members of the golf club thanks to money raised at the Cudeca Tournament which took place last year. The car was presented to the foundation by the director of La Cala Resort, Sean Corte Real, and the founder of Cudeca, Joan Hunt, among others.

The car was presented at the Centro de Cuidados Paliativos (Center for Palliative Care), which belongs to the Cudeca Foundation and is located in Arroyo de la Miel (Benalmádena). The gift provides invaluable support to palliative aid and care at patients’ homes. The vehicle will be used by a team consisting of a doctor, nurse and psychologist who travel daily through the province of Malaga.

This donation fortifies a relationship of more than 26 years between La Cala Resort and the Cudeca Foundation.It was great work not only by the resort but also by the members of the golf club—a group with a strong disposition to help and collaborate’, said the director of La Cala Resort, Sean Corte Real. Additionally, he made note of the spirit of solidarity of the resort’s owner, FDB Property & Leisure, which is ‘an Irish company that is very committed to charity events’.

Corte-Real also highlighted the idiosyncrasy of golf as ‘an altruistic sport that tries to help wherever it can’ and pointed out ‘the generosity of the golfers, something that we are going to see again next week at the AVOI Tournament’.

For Ángel Krebbers, responsible for communication and fundraising at Cudeca, ‘this is an essential resource for us as we cover 50,000 kilometres per year’. The support from La Cala Resort ‘is amazing’. ‘The bulk of Cudeca’s work happens in the home. Saving on the car allows us to put our funds toward our main mission: caring for our patients’.

La Cala Resort already has Cudeca Cup XXVI on its golf calendar. It will take place on the 1st of June 2019.