5 September, 2023

The Golf Experience continues to improve with new renovations and upgrades on the golf course

Here at La Cala, we are continually looking for ways to improve our golf experience, whilst retaining and innovating in sustainable practices on-and-off the golf course. The latest golf course renovations and upgrades to our golf facilities continue to shine a light on our commitment to the environment.

Following our recent solar panel installations and the previous transition to Bermuda greens , our focus has now turned to improving our buggy fleet with the latest state-of-the-art technologies.

Transitioning from the previous LED battery golf buggies, last week we welcome the delivery of 20 new EZGO Elite Lithium powered golf buggies , improving our collection to a more sustainable alternative.

Complete with the Tagmarshal GPS system , buggies on both the Asia and Europa courses will now feature the innovative technology, complimenting the Visage GPS system currently being used on the America course. Allowing our team to monitor pace of play throughout the busy golf seasons, the Tagmarshal GPS system provides golfers with a more immersive and efficient experience on the course. The system also includes its own version of GEO fencing, monitoring the buggies and limiting their drive around restricted areas such as tees and close to the greens.

Over on the golf course, after periods of scheduled annual maintenance, all three courses have now had their fairways, tee-boxes and greens, hollowed-cored and top dressed for improved performance. Reducing compaction and allowing for more water to penetrate the surface, the improved turf quality will allow for better playing conditions during the upcoming busy Autumn months. The great thing about Bermuda greens is that they will be at their best coming into September, due to their amazing growth and strength during the heat, and the fact that both our Campo Asia and Campo Europa greens have each had a month´s rest during the summer.

Our greenkeepers have also introduced a new variety of Bermuda grass to multiple tee-boxes on the Asia course, called Tahoma 31. Preparing for the cooler Autumn-Winter months, this new variety of grass is more resistant to the cold and remerges quicker than most traditional Bermuda grass types in the Spring. Adapted to higher traffic levels and more tolerant to the heat, the Tahoma 31 grass type requires 20% less water than others, reducing our overall water usage throughout the year. Another step in the direction towards improved sustainability methods here at La Cala.

As we continue to renovate and prepare for a more environmentally friendly future, we also want to remind and encourage our guests and visitors to take part in this initiative with our latest Environmental Policy page . Informing audiences about the consistent on-and-off course sustainable practices going ahead, the website link also highlights what guests can do to help collaborate and work towards a more sustainable future at La Cala Resort. Click here for more information on sustainability.